What is My IP Address
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Your IP Address is
Your IP address, shown in the result, is a numerical label assigned to you and used to identify your connection to the Internet. We read the IP address that identifies you or your network. It is likely not the IP address for your specific computer. For example, if you are connecting to this webpage from a home or work network, it is highly likely that the IP address you see here was assingned by your Internet service provider (ISP) or network provider. If more than one person (device) connects to this page from your same network, they may see the same IP address. Your ISP or network does the work to precisely identify you and others on your network then delivering (or routing) your online requests to the right device (person). Each of these devices has its own IP address to be identified individually on the network. An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a numerical label assigned to each device on a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication including computers, printers and routers.
How to detect IP addresses using PHP scripting
echo $IP;