Time & Date Calculators
Time Calculators
A single time span, 12 or 24 hour clock, optional break
Work week hours, 12 or 24 hr clock, optional breaks, OT, decimal hours for payroll calculations
7 days, up to 3 periods/day, up to 2 breaks/day, OT, pay rate for gross pay calculations
Time Clock -- Clock-In and Clock-Out
Track work hours with the click of a button
Calculate total pay, before taxes
Time & Date Difference Calculator
Countdown clock timer to count down to a date or event.
Time Calculator (+ − × ÷)
Add, subtract, multiply and divide days, hours, minutes and seconds; do math with time.
Add or subtract time to calculate cumulative time totals in hh:mm:ss format
Add or subtract lap times to calculate totals in mm:ss.s (hundredths of a second) format
Sunrise Sunset Times Calculator
Input latitude and longitude to find sunrise and sunset times for a location on a date or time span
Date Calculators
Calculate the age of any person, place or thing
Verify date of minimum age for 21, 18, 16 and 13 years
Days Calculator | Business Days Calculator
Add and subtract days or business days to or from a date
Date ± Calendar Units Calculator
Add or subtract days, weeks, months, quarters or years to or from a date
Date Difference for Days or Business Days
Calculate the days or business days between two dates
Time & Date Difference Calculator
Calculate the difference between two dates and times down to minutes and seconds