
Online Calculators

Time & Date Calculators

Time Calculators

Hours Calculator (Time Span)

A single time span, 12 or 24 hour clock, optional break

Work Hours Calculator

Work week hours, 12 or 24 hr clock, optional breaks, OT, decimal hours for payroll calculations

Time Card Calculator

7 days, up to 3 periods/day, up to 2 breaks/day, OT, pay rate for gross pay calculations

Time Clock -- Clock-In and Clock-Out

Track work hours with the click of a button

Gross Pay for Hours Worked

Calculate total pay, before taxes

Time & Date Difference Calculator

Countdown Timer

Countdown clock timer to count down to a date or event.

Time Calculator (+ − × ÷)

Add, subtract, multiply and divide days, hours, minutes and seconds; do math with time.

Time Calculator hh:mm:ss

Add or subtract time to calculate cumulative time totals in hh:mm:ss format

Stopwatch Lap Time Calculator

Add or subtract lap times to calculate totals in mm:ss.s (hundredths of a second) format

Sunrise Sunset Times Calculator

Input latitude and longitude to find sunrise and sunset times for a location on a date or time span

Date Calculators

Age Calculator

Calculate the age of any person, place or thing

Age Checker

Verify date of minimum age for 21, 18, 16 and 13 years

Days Calculator | Business Days Calculator

Add and subtract days or business days to or from a date

Date ± Calendar Units Calculator

Add or subtract days, weeks, months, quarters or years to or from a date

Date Difference for Days or Business Days

Calculate the days or business days between two dates

Time & Date Difference Calculator

Calculate the difference between two dates and times down to minutes and seconds

Time Conversions

Decimal to Time Calculator

Time to Decimal Calculator

Time Units Converter

Minutes to Decimal Hours

Minutes to Hours and Minutes

Military Time Converter

Military Time Charts


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Furey, Edward "Time & Date Calculators" at https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/time/index.php from CalculatorSoup, https://www.calculatorsoup.com - Online Calculators

Last updated: July 15, 2024

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