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Aspect Ratio Calculator

Aspect Ratio Calculator
Width =
Height =
Aspect Ratio
Aspect Ratio
Aspect Ratio
nearest standard

Calculator Use

The aspect ratio of a rectangle is the ratio of the length of the longer side to the length of the shorter side.

For displays and images the aspect ratio is the ratio of width to height, for example, 16:9 or 2.35:1.

For any screen display or image you can calculate the aspect ratio if you know the width and height in pixels. You can also calculate aspect ratio from other measurements like inches or centimeters.

Since aspect ratio describes only the proportion of width to height, a unit label is optional. However it is important that all measurements are in the same units.

This calculator finds aspect ratio given width and height. The answer also provides the nearest standard display or image aspect ratio compared to your calculated ratio.

If you already know the aspect ratio you can calculate width given height, or height given width.

To resize an image input the current dimensions and either your target height or target width. The calculator finds the length of the missing dimension. You can also compare the aspect ratios of two different screens or images.

How to Calculate Aspect Ratio

There are two ways to calculate aspect ratio as width to height w:h. One method gives you the ratio as a decimal w in proportion to h=1. The other method lets you find the aspect ratio where both w and h are whole numbers.

Method 1: Calculate Aspect Ratio as a Decimal

  • Measure width w and height h
  • Divide width by height to find the quotient q
  • Using the quotient to represent the dimension of width the aspect ratio is q:1
  • So for every unit of height there are q units of width

Method 2: Calculate Aspect Ratio as Whole Numbers

  • Measure width w and height h
  • Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of the width and height
  • Divide both numbers by the GCF
  • Using the reduced width and height the aspect ratio in whole numbers is w:h

Example Aspect Ratio Calculation

Say your computer monitor is 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels high. Divide using the formula:

aspect ratio = (width / height):1

In this case width/height = 1920/1080 = 1.77777... = 1.7 or 1.78 rounded to two decimal places. The apect ratio is 1.78:1.

To calculate the aspect ratio of a computer display 1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high as whole numbers, first find the Greatest Common Factor of 1920 and 1080. Since the GCF is 120 divide both width and height by this number.

1920 / 120 = 16
1080 / 120 = 9

So the aspect ratio in whole numbers is 16:9. The aspect ratio of sceens with this ratio are commonly referred to as 16:9 or 1.7:1 or 1.78:1.

What is Aspect Ratio Used For?

Aspect ratio tells you the relationship between the width and height of displays or digital media. Displays like computer monitors, laptops, phone screens, TVs and movie screens come in different widths and heights. Digital media is displayed on these devices and it must be sized proportionately to display correctly on any device.

It is also important to understand aspect ratio if you are editing images or videos. If you need to resize a digital image it is easy to quickly use image editing software to change the size of your image. But if you don't use the same aspect ratio for your resized image, your image may appear stretched or compressed. Or you may lose part of the image as a result of cropping. You may even need to resize your image before you crop it to highlight the relevant content.

If you are creating digital videos or images to post on a social media platform, make sure to check on the required aspect ratios for each platform. Videos created for TikTok, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, or Vimeo should comply with the standard aspect ratio stated by each platform. If videos aren't the correct aspect ratio they may appear cropped or shrunk and your content won't display as you intended.

Aspect ratio is also critical in creating social media or website ads. There are banner ads which are short but wide, tower ads which are narrow but tall, and square or rectangular ads where width and height ratios are less extreme. Again, check with the ad platform for preferred ad unit dimensions and aspect ratios.

Standard Aspect Ratios in Use

The following tables provide standard aspect ratios in current use among displays, images and video. The first table is sorted by width:height ratio. The second table is sorted by width from lowest to highest.

Standard Aspect Ratios
Sorted by W/H Ratio
Aspect Ratio
W/H =
3:4 3 4 0.75
16:18 16 18 0.889
1:1 1 1 1
5:4 5 4 1.25
4:3 4 3 1.333
1.37:1 1.37 1 1.37
IMAX 1.43:1 1.43 1 1.43
3:2 3 2 1.5
14:9 14 9 1.556
16:10 16 10 1.6
5:3 5 3 1.667
16:9 16 9 1.778
1.85:1 1.85 1 1.85
17:9 17 9 1.889
2:1 2 1 2
2.165:1 2.165 1 2.165
20:9 20 9 2.222
21:9 21 9 2.333
2.35:1 2.35 1 2.35
64:27 64 27 2.37
24:10 24 10 2.4
22:9 22 9 2.444
32:10 32 10 3.2
32:9 32 9 3.556
4:1 4 1 4

Standard Aspect Ratios
Sorted by Width
Aspect Ratio
W/H =
1:1 1 1 1
1.37:1 1.37 1 1.37
1.43:1 1.43 1 1.43
1.85:1 1.85 1 1.85
2:1 2 1 2
2.165:1 2.165 1 2.165
2.35:1 2.35 1 2.35
3:4 3 4 0.75
3:2 3 2 1.5
4:3 4 3 1.333
4:1 4 1 4
5:4 5 4 1.25
5:3 5 3 1.667
14:9 14 9 1.556
16:18 16 18 0.889
16:10 16 10 1.6
16:9 16 9 1.778
17:9 17 9 1.889
20:9 20 9 2.222
21:9 21 9 2.333
22:9 22 9 2.444
24:10 24 10 2.4
32:10 32 10 3.2
32:9 32 9 3.556
64:27 64 27 2.37

Please Contact Us if you'd like to add a specific standard aspect ratio to this calculator or to the tables above.


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Furey, Edward "Aspect Ratio Calculator" at https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/technology/aspect-ratio-calculator.php from CalculatorSoup, https://www.calculatorsoup.com - Online Calculators

Last updated: July 27, 2024

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