Elastic Potential Energy Calculator
Calculator Use
This calculator finds the missing variable in the physics equation for Elastic Potential Energy U = ½kΔx², when two of the variables are known.
Elastic Potential Energy Equation used in this Calculator
\( U \) = elastic energy
\( k \) = spring constant
\( \Delta x \) = change is position (displacement)
The Elastic Potential Energy Calculator uses the formula U = ½kΔx² where U is the elastic energy, k is the spring constant and Δx is the change in position or displacement, such as the distance a spring is being stretched.
used in this Calculator
Elastic Potential Energy Calculations:
Solving for spring force, spring constant or spring displacement we use the following formulas:
Calculate U Given k and Δx
Calculate elastic energy given spring constant and change in position.
Calculate k Given U and Δx
Calculate the spring constant given elastic energy and change in position.
Calculate Δx Given U and k
Calculate change in position given elastic energy and the spring constant.