1000 Prime Numbers
The prime numbers table lists the first 1000 prime numbers from 2 to 8011. There are 1,009 total prime numbers in the lookup table below.
The nth prime number can be denoted as pn, so:
- The first prime number, p1 = 2
- The second prime number, p2 = 3
- The third prime number, p3 = 5
- The fourth prime number, p4 = 7
- And so on.
You can also denote the nth prime number with brackets as Prime[n], so:
- The first prime number, Prime[1] = 2
- The second prime number, Prime[2] = 3
- The third prime number, Prime[3] = 5
- The fourth prime number, Prime[4] = 7
- And so on.
To find a prime number, say Prime[223], find row heading 220 and column heading 3 for 220+3=223. The prime number at the intersection of row 220 and column heading 3 is Prime[223] = 1409.
Hover your mouse over any number in the table to see the nth label as Prime[n]. You can also use our Prime Factors Calculator to verify that a number is prime. The calculator also indicates the nth prime for the first 1000 prime numbers.
Further Reading
The Prime Pages at http://primes.utm.edu/