
Online Calculators

Inflation Calculator

Inflation Calculator
has the same buying power
as how much
$100.00 in 2015
has the same buying power as
$128.73 in 2025.


What cost $100.00 in 2015
would cost $128.73 in 2025

Total Inflation: 28.73%
Average Inflation: 2.87% per year

Calculator Use

Use this calculator to find the equivalent buying power over time for an amount in US dollars.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) Inflation Calculations

Converting buying power from one year to another is done by a ratio calculation using the starting value and the CPI's for the years being compared. Converting from Year 1 to Year 2 we state: Dollars in Year 1 is to Dollars in Year 2 as CPI in Year 1 is to CPI in Year 2.

DollarsYear1 / DollarsYear2 = CPIYear1 / CPIYear2, solving for DollarsYear2

DollarsYear2 = DollarsYear1 * CPIYear2 / CPIYear1

Example: $10.00 in 1980 has what buying power in 2010? From the table, CPI 2008 = 82.4 and CPI 2010 = 218.056. Converting we use:

DollarsYear2 = DollarsYear1 * CPIYear2 / CPIYear1 = $10.00 * 218.056 / 82.4 = $26.46. What cost $10.00 in 1980 would cost $26.46 in 2010.

Total inflation from Year 1 to Year 2 is a percentage change, positive or negative, and is a percentage change calculation.

Percentage change = ( ΔV / |V1| ) * 100 = ((V2 - V1) / |V1|) * 100

Calculating change from 1980 to 2010 using CPI:

Inflation = ( ΔV / |V1| ) * 100 = ((V2 - V1) / |V1|) * 100 = ((218.056 - 82.4) / |82.4|) * 100 = 164.63%.

Calculating change from 1980 to 2010 using known "buying power:"

Inflation = ( ΔV / |V1| ) * 100 = ((V2 - V1) / |V1|) * 100 = (($26.46 - $10.00) / |$10.00|) * 100 = 164.6%.

Inflation Index : CPI Table

CPI Data 2013 to Present
Year CPI
2013 232.945
2014 236.736
2015 237.017
2016 240.008
2017 245.120
2018 251.107
2019 255.657
2020 258.811
2021 267.054
2022 281.148
2023 305.109
CPI Data 1963 to 2012
Year CPI Year CPI Year CPI Year CPI Year CPI
1963 30.6 1973 44.4 1983 99.6 1993 144.5 2003 184.0
1964 31.0 1974 49.3 1984 103.9 1994 148.2 2004 188.9
1965 31.5 1975 53.8 1985 107.6 1995 152.4 2005 195.3
1966 32.4 1976 56.9 1986 109.6 1996 156.9 2006 201.6
1967 33.4 1977 60.6 1987 113.6 1997 160.5 2007 207.342
1968 34.8 1978 65.2 1988 118.3 1998 163.0 2008 215.303
1969 36.7 1979 72.6 1989 124.0 1999 166.6 2009 214.537
1970 38.8 1980 82.4 1990 130.7 2000 172.2 2010 218.056
1971 40.5 1981 90.9 1991 136.2 2001 177.1 2011 224.939
1972 41.8 1982 96.5 1992 140.3 2002 179.9 2012 229.594
CPI Data 1913 to 1962
Year CPI Year CPI Year CPI Year CPI Year CPI
1913 9.9 1923 17.1 1933 13.0 1943 17.3 1953 26.7
1914 10.0 1924 17.1 1934 13.4 1944 17.6 1954 26.9
1915 10.1 1925 17.5 1935 13.7 1945 18.0 1955 26.8
1916 10.9 1926 17.7 1936 13.9 1946 19.5 1956 27.2
1917 12.8 1927 17.4 1937 14.4 1947 22.3 1957 28.1
1918 15.1 1928 17.1 1938 14.1 1948 24.1 1958 28.9
1919 17.3 1929 17.1 1939 13.9 1949 23.8 1959 29.1
1920 20.0 1930 16.7 1940 14.0 1950 24.1 1960 29.6
1921 17.9 1931 15.2 1941 14.7 1951 26.0 1961 29.9
1922 16.8 1932 13.7 1942 16.3 1952 26.5 1962 30.2

The latest year uses monthly value from the latest full month.

The US government has been calculating the CPI since 1913.  This calculator uses the yearly averages from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and when a full year of data is not available we use the latest month available in that year. You can find the most recently updated tables here and other consumer price index information and facts at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website along with their CPI Inflation Calculator.

Keep in mind that this is a cumulative total for urban areas and the government applies much more detail to the analysis of different aspects and sectors that affect the CPI.


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Furey, Edward "Inflation Calculator" at https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/financial/inflation-calculator.php from CalculatorSoup, https://www.calculatorsoup.com - Online Calculators

Last updated: December 6, 2023

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