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Square Feet to Acres | sq ft to acres

sq ft to acre Converter
sq ft
= 0.511937557 acres

To convert sq ft to acres, divide sq ft by 43,560

22,300 sq ft ÷ 43,560
= 0.511937557 acres

Calculator Use

Convert square feet to acres. Use this if converting from sq ft, sf, or ft2 to acres. The answer includes the formula for conversions for areas of square feet to acres.

If you want to convert in the other direction from acres to sq ft use the Acres to Square Feet Converter.

How to Convert Square Feet to Acres

Divide square footage by 43,560


One acre is defined as 43,560 square feet. This means there are 43,560 sq ft per acre. To convert square feet to acreage just divide the number of square feet by 43,560.

acres = sq ft / 43,560

Looking at this conversion a different way you can say that 1 square foot is equal to 1/43,560 acres. 1 divided by 43,560 is about 0.00002295684, or 2.295684E-5 in scientific notation. So you can also multiply square feet by 0.00002295684 to convert sqft to acres.

acres = sq ft × 0.00002295684

Multiply by
or Divide by
square feet to acres
acres to square feet

Example: Convert 10,000 square feet to acres

Divide by 43,560 to convert 10,000 sq ft to acres

  • 10,000 sqft ÷ 43,560 sqft per acre
  • 10,000 ÷ 43,560 = 0.22957 acres
  • So 10,000 ft2 is equal to about 0.23 acres

What is an Acre?

The acre is a unit of area with the symbol ac. An acre is a measure of land area in the British imperial system of units and United States customary units.

An acre is defined as an area of 66 ft x 660 ft, which equals 43,560 ft². An area of acreage can be any shape -- it does not have to be a square or a rectangle.

Since 1 acre = 43,560 ft², you can flip this around by dividing both sides of the equation by 43,560. So 1 ft² = 1/43,560 acres which is about 0.0000229568411 ac. You can also write this as 1 ft² = 2.295684E-5 acres.

What is a Square Foot?

A square foot is a unit of area with the symbol ft² but you will also see people use sf, sqft and sq ft which all mean "square feet". For example, 3 square feet can be expressed as 3 ft², 3 sf, 3 sqft, or 3 sq ft.

One square foot is the area of a square where each side is 1 foot long. The area of this square is 1 ft x 1 ft = 1 ft² since area of a square or rectangle is calculated by multiplying length by width.

The foot is a unit of length in the British imperial system of units and United States customary units. 1 square foot is equal to 1/43,560 acres.


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Furey, Edward "Convert Square Feet to Acres | Square Foot to Acre at CalculatorSoup" at https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/conversions/square-feet-to-acres.php from CalculatorSoup, https://www.calculatorsoup.com - Online Calculators

Last updated: August 21, 2023

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