Metric Units Conversion Calculator
Calculator Use
Convert among units for any base unit of measure such as gram or meter or second or byte, etc. In practice, with say, working with meters, then your base unit is "meters" and units you use might be kilometers, decameters, meters, centimeters, or millimeters, to name a few. Prefixes available, in the international system of units used for scientific measurements, from lowest to highest, run from quecto 10-30 to quetta 1030.
For example, if you want to convert from meters to micrometers you would convert from "base" to micro, (meters to micrometers). Likewise, if you want to convert from grams to micrograms or feet to microfeet you would still do a conversion from base unit to micro. Similarly, converting from kilograms to nanograms you just need to convert from kilo to nano.
You can ignore your base unit and just do your conversion. For example, convert 5 kilowatts to milliwatts: Enter 5 as the value to convert then convert from kilo to milli to get the answer 5,000,000. 5 kilowatts equals 5,000,000 milliwatts.
used in this metric calculator
References/ Further Reading
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - Metric (SI) Prefixes
Wikipedia for The International System of Units and SI Prefixes.