
Online Calculators

Cooking Conversion Calculator

Cooking Conversions

= 0.264172052 fl gal

Divide by 3.785
for quick conversions

L / 3.785 = fl gal


To convert L to fl gal, use the conversion factor

1 fl gal = 3.78541178 L

then divide both sides of the equation by fl gal, to get the conversion ratio

1 = 3.78541178 L / fl gal

Use the conversion ratio to complete the unit conversion, basically dividing the input by 1, the L units cancel out, and we are left with fl gal units.

1 L ÷ 3.78541178 L / fl gal
= 0.264172052 fl gal

Calculator Use

Convert cooking measures of liquid and dry volumes, weights, temperature and length. Conversions can be done between US standards and metric standards.

References/ Further Reading

Good Cooking

Diana's Desserts

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - The NIST Guide for the use of the International System of Units - Appendix B, subsections B.8 Factors for Units Listed Alphabetically and B.9 Factors for units listed by kind of quantity or field of science.

Lide, David R., Daniel (Editor-in-Chief). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 89th Edition New York, NY: CRC Press, p. 1-28, 2008.

Wikipedia contributors. "Conversion of units" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, last visited 26 Jun. 2011.

Wikipedia contributors. "Cooking Weights and Measures" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, last visited 29 Jun. 2011.


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Furey, Edward "Cooking Conversion Calculator" at https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/conversions/cooking.php from CalculatorSoup, https://www.calculatorsoup.com - Online Calculators

Last updated: August 21, 2023

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